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Exploring San Marino and Rimini

Updated: Sep 17, 2024

San Marino is a small country located in north-central Italy. Yes, that's right a country within a country. It's a very mountainous country, so when going make sure you bring good walking shoes. You will be walking up hills majority of the time.

San Marino has a large castle like structure that you can walk up to the top and find a fantastic view of the valley.

It is also a high end place. Designer stores are in San Marino for all your shopping needs. For those who enjoy role playing in Renaissance fairs, there are many shops that sell fake, but realistic looking weapons.

Rimini is a costal town on the Adriatic Sea with an interesting history. Originally there was a large wall that spanned the entire town. During World War ll there was a battle in Rimini that took out most of the wall. The only part that stands today is a large archway at one of the entrances into the city.

The last remaining part of the wall that survived World War II.

Rimini also has beaches for miles that people can go and enjoy a nice day at the beach. You can lounge in a beach chair with an umbrella or just enjoy the sand and swimming in the sea.

Beach chairs line the miles of beach around Rimini.


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